Tuesday, April 28, 2009


As a late anniversary surprise John and I headed down to K-falls for 48 hours all by our selves! We stopped at Crater Lake on our way back home, I had never been, so that was fun!
It was kinda weird, there was TONS of snow but it was 70+ degrees in the sunshine.

Ag fest 2009 was super fun, John worked at his companies' booth Saturday morning and we followed him there later. Once again we walked away with tons of free starts of: veggies, trees, shrubs, flowers and bushes.

Josiah turned 1 year old April 6th. He is 31.5 inches long, 24.8 pounds, boasts 8 razor sharp teeth, and has taken his first steps but not enough to declare him "walking".

Joshua is officially 4.5 now and is trying to impress you with his ability to wedge cheese-it's in his teeth. He is 3'9" tall and 43 pounds, thank goodness he knows he is "big kid" now and doesn't even ask to be carried by me!

This is our Jacob, whom feel asleep in the middle of the kitchen floor, he is 3'4" tall and 35.5 pounds. He is very "grown up" for his age, most people don't believe me that he is 2.5 years old, if only he could get the whole potty thing down!


Aly sun said...

That last picture of Jake is hilarious.

Good to get the random update.

simplykersh said...

Wow they do grow fast! BTW I just checked your little profile box and saw you had picked a name fro baby #4, I really like it!

Sara said...

I'm glad you were able to get away for your anniversary! How fun! The pictures of Crater Lake look gorgeous!! I've never been there and have always wanted to...

I can't believe Josiah is 1 already! What a big boy!