Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Mother's Day

Yes, I know Mother's Day was last month, but I'm just now putting down what I was thinking that weekend.
I'm one lucky lady. I have a mother, the woman that gave birth to me PLUS a step-mother who raised me the second half of my childhood PLUS hands down the best mother in law I could ask for! Thank you to all the mothers in my life, I love you guys!

The Peters clan gathered at Eagle Crest for mother's day weekend...

Obviously these are the cousins, hard to believe there will be two more to try to capture next year. My poor Jake in the top right is so not photogenic there is no use trying to get a good picture of that one.

"Papa Peters" pushed Mandy and Josiah on the swings for a good 20 minutes+. This was very much appreciated because this simple task makes me so nauseous; another thing to look forward to in 2 months :)
The wonderful Peters men, quite possibly solving all the world's problems.
The deer here are so tame that Josh touched them a few times. I do believe they enjoy the fine wining and dining from the visitors.

John got me the most thoughtful gift, a ring like the one above with all the names of the boy's on it. At first I was a little upset that he blew May's grocery budget of such a frivolous thing, but rest assured utilities were much less this month so it all worked out. It's just a smidgen too tight for my slightly swollen right ring finger (fits on the left one though) so it's on a necklace for the time being.


Aly sun said...

Just getting them all in a picture together is amazing. We do have a wonderful family and much to be thankful for.