Tuesday, June 9, 2009


"God blesses those who paitently endure testing..." James 1:12a

I've shied away from posting because I've had a no good, very bad attitude towards life lately. I married into a family that has funny sayings for things and accordingly I've been "pruning out" thus being a prune. I'm not too proud to admit that I've been angry with God, throwing my immature temper-tantrums crying my eyes out at night. But I'm sure all my readers have flawless walks with the Lord, so you have no idea what I'm talking about. By letting the enemy steal my joy and filling my heart with anger, the past month or so has left me very empty emotionally. Today I got the first good news it seems like we've had in a loooong time and while I was immediately glad, it turned to sobering sobs as I realized just how awful I've been, far from patiently enduring testing. The book of James, especially the first chapter, has always been one of my favorites, but I really need to re-read it today...

"Dear brothers and sisters, whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy. For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for anything." James 1:2-4


Grace said...

Thank you for that ever so important reminder! I'm amazed how long I can go feeling so far from the Lord until I realize that He hasn't moved, it's me that's been drifting. I hope that you are encouraged and feeling better. I love the whole "prune" thing. I'll have to remember that!

Peters Family Farms said...

Grace, you are named so accordingly, I so admire your gracefulness and am so glad I know you! My b.i.l. Jesse enjoyed a youth retreat with your husband a while back, said he was impressed with your group and how "deep" you guys can get in just a matter of days. I'm not fluent in 17 y.o.b. lingo but I think that means he learned a lot!

Aly sun said...

"stong in character, ready for anything." The process can be so very hard, especially when balancing pregnancy hormones and blessed children who don't slow down for bumps in the road. I am constantly amazing at how I can go from feeling thankful beyond measure to "pruning" out because life is so hard in just minutes. This is your marathon and you are doing a good job!

Aly sun said...

Just have to share a what Emma just said to me in a really whiny voice because she was tired and grumpy (pruned out): "It is hard to obey when God is growing me." I stopped and laughed and then realized how TRUE that statement is at any age.

Peters Family Farms said...

What a gift to hear spiritual truths come out of the lips of a small child, let alone your own!!!