Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Jamin's To Do List

~ cough up junk in chest and get the fluid out of his right lung

~ start breathing at a normal rate which is 20-45 breaths per minute, not his current 60-100

~ no need for the extra oxygen, he wavers between needing 23-35% to keep his oxygen saturation levels up, room air is 21%

~ stop looking like a pumpkin, he is jaundice but tests show him currently just under the treatment line

~ full healing of his scars so that there will be no infection

~ learn to the bottle without tiring out and taking advantage of the tube that goes strait to his tummy after a few sucks

~ be strong enough to be awake at least 3 hours total a day

~ prove to his doctors that he can be stable for a 48 hour period


Aly sun said...

Seems long, but our God has proved He is bigger than anything. Still praying...

Sara said...

Wow, and I thought my to do list was long and hard! Poor little Jamin is only a week and half old and has so much to do! We'll be praying he gets his list check off soon! =)

Marcee said...

Praying!!! He'll probably be an over-acheiver when he grows up!!!

Trena said...

We are continually praying for Jamin. God IS bigger than we realize sometimes. Keep up the Faith...God knows what He is doing.