Friday, July 10, 2009

For the Birds

Well, midwife said I'm still the same, 3 cm and effaced, which is the good news I was hoping for. Also, good news for now (bad for later) is that Jamin is nestled down there sunny-side up. Good because it is less pressure, helpful for when you trying not to have a baby, bad because if he doesn't turn I'll get to enjoy the same fabulous back labor I had with Josh. We are praying he will move into position in a few weeks when he can safely arrive. I was really dehydrated again from all the vomiting so I was given two new types of anti-nausea to try. 3 strikes and I'm out. Not only do they not relive the nausea they gave me the biggest headaches thus I've been like a skitzophrenic muttering "this is for the birds."

Moving on, Jacob turned 3 yesterday and I was able to spend a couple hours with him, watch him open the cards that have come for him in the mail and thoroughly enjoy his cupcake. He is very excited to have his "army guy" birthday party in the park on Sunday, I'm still working on getting John to let me go.

Also wanted to share a recent conversation I had with my husband as we climbed into bed:
K: "So if we have the baby all of a sudden, we aren't even close to being ready. I don't even know where the newborn clothes are that all need to be washed, not to mention need to find a place for. And what about the bassinet and car seat..."
J: "I know exactly where the car seat is in the garage."
K: "O.k. and what about everything else?"
J: "When it comes down to it the car seat is all we need so we can take him home."
So as I lay there quiet and the heat rises into my face, I realize; my dear husband is a very diligent, hard working employee, so when he comes home he likes to do things his way and on his terms after being told how and what to do all day. So I decide not fight him on such the subject but you know what, he's right, one really doesn't need anything to have a baby. Now if only I can change my thinking...


Aly sun said...

Sounds nasty. So sorry you are having to go through this. And you are right, a baby doesn't really NEED anything at birth except you... and a car seat to get home. A diaper or 100 would help. But I'm sure a quick trip to the store by one of your loving relatives would get a newborn outfit for the little man. No worries... remember. NO WORRIES!

Peters Family Farms said...

I'm looking forward to seeing how the adjustable cloth diapers will do on a newborn.

Sara said...

I kind of freaked out when I started having what ended up being false labor about a week or so before Ben was due. We had nothing ready, not even the car seat in the car, let alone the baby boy clothes unpacked, diapers purchased, or the bassinet bedding washed. Kevin thought I was crazy for getting all upset and didn't seem to understand at all what I was so worried about. Before we had Abby, Kevin thought a couple pairs of shirts and pants and a crib was all our baby would need. =) So, I understand where you're coming from. True, babies need a lot less than we usually have for them, but it's the difference between men and women (I think) for us to want everything prepared for and planned out.