Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday Jacob!

Jacob is now a hearty 3 year old (although if you ask him he will tell you he is 5.) He should feel very loved because his party was Sunday afternoon during an impressive downpour, yet all that were invited trekked out to the city park anyways. Praise the Lord we got the shelter, this many people wouldn't fit just anywhere (14 children, 4 teens and 16 adults from 6 families)
I had all these "Secret Missions" planned on various park equipment, all organized and ready to go; but obviously we had to settle for games that could be done under the covering i.e. duck, duck, goose, and Simon says. I don't think the kiddos cared, they were just as excited to get together! As for me I was happy to go, sitting cozy in a comfy chair.

Happy Birthday our little heal grabber, we love you and are blessed to be trusted by the Almighty to raise you up!


Aly sun said...

What a rain storm! It sure cleared out the park. Jacob is such a special boy and we love him -- rain or shine.

Sara said...

I'm glad John let you go. =) It sounds like it was a special and fun time even in the rain! Happy Birthday, Jacob!

simplykersh said...

He has told me all about his birthday and how he is getting a pirate sword for it now as he has been playing with ours all day. And for the record he when I asked him about his birthday the told me he was still 2!