Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Friends, Food & Movies

We may as well live in an Amish community the way word spreads around here like wildfire =) My fridge and pantry are well stocked with food as so many lovely people have come to help us out! Plus many people sending movies my way to help with the boredom. I feel so loved, undeserving and humbled. I am going into the midwife's office tomorrow morning to get checked out to make sure I'm not progressing, I'm looking forward to hearing that everything looks good. I'll have to do a post about all the good movies I'll have to recommend =)


Sara said...

I'm so sorry to hear about you having to be on bed rest! That's tough! I can't imagine trying to do that with three little ones - I can't even seem to fit in one nap a day, let alone being on bed rest the whole day. I'm happy to hear that your family and friends are helping out - what a blessing! Wish I were closer to help too.